7 Side Hustle Ideas in the Netherlands 2023 (No Dutch Required)

7 Side Hustle Ideas in the Netherlands 2023 (No Dutch Required)

Inflation is hitting hard this year! There are lot of ways to make extra income (extra geld verdienen). Here is a comprehensive list of side hustle ideeen (side hustle ideas) in the Netherlands. 1. Rent out your apartment on Airbnb This brought in the most side income for us last year at around €9,000! We…

Airbnb Amsterdam Rules (Airbnb Amsterdam Regels) explained in 4 easy steps

Airbnb Amsterdam Rules (Airbnb Amsterdam Regels) explained in 4 easy steps

Inflation has hit everyone hard this year so if you are looking for easy side hustle to make some side income (bijverdienste); Rent out your apartment on Airbnb! We gained around €9,000 in extra gross income in 2022! We own a two bedroom and we were able to rent it out for an average of…